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Reading Group

Cathy Conlon
01285 861325

To see the Reading Group Book List click here: AK RG Books Complete List 2024 5

The Ashton Keynes Reading Group is a small group that meets in members' homes on the third week of the month on Tuesday evenings, to discuss a book that we have all read. There are about 10 members of the group, and generally 6 - 8 attend each meeting.

Six books at a time are chosen by a subset of the group, on a rotation basis. We read everything from classics to best sellers and non-fiction.  We try to achieve a mixture of male and female, and English and foreign writers.  We do not meet in July, August or Decmber because of holidays, and to give members a chance to read something of their own choice.

We have no officers or committee.

For information about the venue for each month's meeting, please ring the contact given on this section of the web site.