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Local Services

More information later.

Telephone08000 800151

For a comprehensive guide to Wiltshire public transport, click here. For Ashton Keynes Thamesdown Transport Timetables, click here. There is also an up to date copy of current Ashton Keynes Bus timetables in the Village Post Office.


We apologise but due to funding restrictions, we are only able help those from our funded areas of Cotswold District, Cheltenham Borough and Tewkesbury Borough Councils.

Telephone01285 652908

More information later.

Telephone07905 895523


Cricklade Surgery has a branch surgery situated in the Ashton Keynes Village Hall. Appointments need to be booked through the Cricklade Surgery on 01793 750645.  The Doctor holds a branch surgery for patients three times a ...

Telephone01793 750645